Posted :18 March, 2011
- Job Location: Islamabad
- Country: Pakistan
- Positions: 1
- Job Type: SSA (Special Service Agreement)
- Department: Consultants
- Last Date: 25 March, 2011
Description of the assignment: One UN JP Environment – MID-TERM REVIEW
Project name: One UN JP Environment
Period of assignment/services (if applicable): 15 Days
Proposal should be submitted at the following address no later than 25th March 2011 to
Shehryar Ali Khan
Communication Officer
One UN Joint Programme on Environment
House No.4, Street 80, G-6/4, Islamabad.
Project name: One UN JP Environment
Period of assignment/services (if applicable): 15 Days
Proposal should be submitted at the following address no later than 25th March 2011 to
Shehryar Ali Khan
Communication Officer
One UN Joint Programme on Environment
House No.4, Street 80, G-6/4, Islamabad.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication through e-mail to the same email address. The One UN Joint Programme on Environment will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.
Delivering as One (DaO) is the UN system’s response to the global reform process on aid effectiveness. It builds on the reform agenda set by UN members’ states, which aims to increase the coherence, effectiveness and relevance of UN operations in the field. Piloting the UN reform process in Asia, Pakistan and Vietnam are the two countries and therefore in Pakistan, the increased level of collaboration among 19 UN organizations resulted in five joint programmes (e.g. ARP, H&P, Education, DRM and Environment), to which implementation is in progress since 2009. The main objective of the Delivering as One initiative is to enhance the UN system’s impact, by building on the achievements to date, increasing Government ownership, delivering more coordinated, effective and efficient assistance to the country. The Joint Programme for Environment approved by GOP and UN in December 2008 is supporting the Government of Pakistan in establishing policy frameworks in critical environmental themes like climate change, water sanitation, forestry, urban development, green industries and jobs etc. further strengthened with extensive legal instruments and institutional arrangements, as well as implementing initiatives to safeguard environment with a number of new and on going interventions.
Please see attached Terms of Reference
Please see attached Terms of Reference
Please see attached Terms of Reference
Please see attached Terms of Reference
The review will involve the systematic and objective assessment of the entire Joint Programme Environment since its inception and implementation under defined geographical boundaries at the national and provincial level regardless of funding sources. The review will focus therefore on the federal and provincial government’s development priorities, plans and strategies and on the UN response to address those priorities through One UN Delivering as One (DaO)
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
1. Proposal: 2-3 Page Proposal outlining the assignment work;
(i) Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
(ii) Comprehensive understanding of Programme Review TOR and Deliverables required
(iii) Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and complete the task (if applicable)2. Financial proposal - 3. Personal CV including past experience in similar tasks and at least 3 references
1. Proposal: 2-3 Page Proposal outlining the assignment work;
(i) Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
(ii) Comprehensive understanding of Programme Review TOR and Deliverables required
(iii) Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and complete the task (if applicable)2. Financial proposal - 3. Personal CV including past experience in similar tasks and at least 3 references
• Lump sum contracts
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).
Cumulative analysis
When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
Desk Based review (2 days)
Meetings with Stakeholders (6 Days)
Presentation and Reporting (5 days)
After completing desk review and field consultations/meetings with various partners, the consultant will prepare a detail presentation which will cover the preliminary analysis of desk/documents reviewed, stakeholder’s views, conclusions and recommendations of the review. The final report will be drafted after getting feedback during the presentation to UN Co-Chairs, Convening Agencies and with the Joint Programme Steering Committee Members including Government counterparts and UN agencies in Islamabad.
After completing desk review and field consultations/meetings with various partners, the consultant will prepare a detail presentation which will cover the preliminary analysis of desk/documents reviewed, stakeholder’s views, conclusions and recommendations of the review. The final report will be drafted after getting feedback during the presentation to UN Co-Chairs, Convening Agencies and with the Joint Programme Steering Committee Members including Government counterparts and UN agencies in Islamabad.
Submitting Final Draft (2 days)
S.No Task Activity Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Desk Review: Collect, review and analyze relevant documents (JP Document, Progress Reports and JPCs Work Plans, M & E Framework & Plans etc. - -
2 Meetings with UN Agencies, M/o Environment, EAD, etc. -
3 Karachi: Meeting with Secretary Environment/PIC and Private Sector -
4 Quetta: Meeting with PIC focal Person-Chief Foreign -
5 Lahore: Meeting with D.G Environment/Secretary PIC -
6 Islamabad: Meeting with KPK, AJK and GB Representatives PICs -
7 Meeting with Donors EKN/DFID -
8 Follow-up Meetings and Draft Report Compilation - - -
9 Presentation to TWG Co-Chairs/CA and UNRCO -
10 JPSC Meeting to endorse Draft Review Report and Recommendations -
11 Final Report Submission - -
S.No Task Activity Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Desk Review: Collect, review and analyze relevant documents (JP Document, Progress Reports and JPCs Work Plans, M & E Framework & Plans etc. - -
2 Meetings with UN Agencies, M/o Environment, EAD, etc. -
3 Karachi: Meeting with Secretary Environment/PIC and Private Sector -
4 Quetta: Meeting with PIC focal Person-Chief Foreign -
5 Lahore: Meeting with D.G Environment/Secretary PIC -
6 Islamabad: Meeting with KPK, AJK and GB Representatives PICs -
7 Meeting with Donors EKN/DFID -
8 Follow-up Meetings and Draft Report Compilation - - -
9 Presentation to TWG Co-Chairs/CA and UNRCO -
10 JPSC Meeting to endorse Draft Review Report and Recommendations -
11 Final Report Submission - -
Delivering as One (DaO) is the UN system’s response to the global reform process on aid effectiveness. It builds on the reform agenda set by UN members’ states, which aims to increase the coherence, effectiveness and relevance of UN operations in the field. Piloting the UN reform process in Asia, Pakistan and Vietnam are the two countries and therefore in Pakistan, the increased level of collaboration among 19 UN organizations resulted in five joint programmes (e.g. ARP, H&P, Education, DRM and Environment), to which implementation is in progress since 2009. The main objective of the Delivering as One initiative is to enhance the UN system’s impact, by building on the achievements to date, increasing Government ownership, delivering more coordinated, effective and efficient assistance to the country.
Enhance national leadership and ownership through the introduction of One Programme and One Budgetary framework. This will reinforce the Government’s monitoring and oversight capacities, provide a transparent overview of UN activities and financial arrangements, and ensure accountability.
Position the UN more strategically in areas where it has a distinct comparative advantage, allowing it to be a more effective development partner.
Increase the collective impact of UN interventions through more coherent, coordinated and focused strategies and programmes.
Improve donor coordination, increase access to additional resources and reduce inter‐agency competition.
An empowered UN leadership enables the UN to speak with one voice, and provides the Government access to the UN through a single entry point.
Increase efficiency in the provision of common services and support to programming, and reduce transaction costs.
Delivering as One (DaO) is the UN system’s response to the global reform process on aid effectiveness. It builds on the reform agenda set by UN members’ states, which aims to increase the coherence, effectiveness and relevance of UN operations in the field. Piloting the UN reform process in Asia, Pakistan and Vietnam are the two countries and therefore in Pakistan, the increased level of collaboration among 19 UN organizations resulted in five joint programmes (e.g. ARP, H&P, Education, DRM and Environment), to which implementation is in progress since 2009. The main objective of the Delivering as One initiative is to enhance the UN system’s impact, by building on the achievements to date, increasing Government ownership, delivering more coordinated, effective and efficient assistance to the country.
Enhance national leadership and ownership through the introduction of One Programme and One Budgetary framework. This will reinforce the Government’s monitoring and oversight capacities, provide a transparent overview of UN activities and financial arrangements, and ensure accountability.
Position the UN more strategically in areas where it has a distinct comparative advantage, allowing it to be a more effective development partner.
Increase the collective impact of UN interventions through more coherent, coordinated and focused strategies and programmes.
Improve donor coordination, increase access to additional resources and reduce inter‐agency competition.
An empowered UN leadership enables the UN to speak with one voice, and provides the Government access to the UN through a single entry point.
Increase efficiency in the provision of common services and support to programming, and reduce transaction costs.
The Joint Programme for Environment approved by GOP and UN in December 2008 is supporting the Government of Pakistan in establishing policy frameworks in critical environmental themes like climate change, water sanitation, forestry, urban development, green industries and jobs etc. further strengthened with extensive legal instruments and institutional arrangements, as well as implementing initiatives to safeguard environment with a number of new and on going interventions.
The Joint Programme for Environment approved by GOP and UN in December 2008 is supporting the Government of Pakistan in establishing policy frameworks in critical environmental themes like climate change, water sanitation, forestry, urban development, green industries and jobs etc. further strengthened with extensive legal instruments and institutional arrangements, as well as implementing initiatives to safeguard environment with a number of new and on going interventions.
The Ministry of Environment is the focal institution at the federal level with Provincial Planning and Development departments as the provincial hub for coordinating this joint Programme. The programme activities are spread over four years (2009 to 2012) within the following five thematic areas evolved through a year long planning phase during 2007-2008:
1. Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Environmental management
2. Access to Safe Water and Improved Sanitation
3. Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Demonstrated Regions
4. Sustainable Urbanization
5. Green Industries, Waste Management, Energy and Green Jobs
1. Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Environmental management
2. Access to Safe Water and Improved Sanitation
3. Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Demonstrated Regions
4. Sustainable Urbanization
5. Green Industries, Waste Management, Energy and Green Jobs
The purpose of this review is to assess the achievements and impacts of results (outputs and outcomes) of the Joint Programme Environment in Pakistan since its commencement in 2009. More specifically, the review objectives are to:
Assess the appropriateness, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Joint Programme results in the context of the One UN in Pakistan. The review will look at the five JPCs (Joint Programme Components) in different phases of the programme cycle i.e. programme formulation, annual work plan development, funding allocations, implementation, short and long term impacts and monitoring and evaluation.
The purpose of this review is to assess the achievements and impacts of results (outputs and outcomes) of the Joint Programme Environment in Pakistan since its commencement in 2009. More specifically, the review objectives are to:
Assess the appropriateness, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Joint Programme results in the context of the One UN in Pakistan. The review will look at the five JPCs (Joint Programme Components) in different phases of the programme cycle i.e. programme formulation, annual work plan development, funding allocations, implementation, short and long term impacts and monitoring and evaluation.
Identify lessons learned and draw conclusions which may inform other interventions and which can contribute to decision making processes of the UN Participating Agencies, GoP implementing partners i.e. M/o Environment and PICs (Provincial Implementation Committees) as well as donors and other stakeholders.
On both aspects the review will record achievements, identify areas for improvement and remaining challenges and distil lessons to inform decision-making authorities at the UN, national and provincial level.
The underlined objectives of the JP review in the overall context of Pakistan DaO are:
The underlined objectives of the JP review in the overall context of Pakistan DaO are:
To assess how Joint Programme is being used to contribute more efficiently and effectively in achieving national development results as envisaged and national capacity building in the context of environment management in Pakistan.
To assess whether and how Joint Programme reduced transaction costs for UN agencies, government, and the donors against the background of the One UN reforms DaO framework with four focal themes i.e. One Programme, One Leader, One Office, One Fund.
To learn from the experience and process of the need assessment, planning, formulation, implementation and M & E system of the Joint Programme and its Components to improve the current one and the development of future joint programme.
The proposed Review is expected to be used by the Government of Pakistan in ascertaining the effectiveness of the DaO initiative in bringing to the country’s benefit the whole potential of the UN development system. This review will assess how, and the extent to which, the intended and unintended results were achieved at country level.
The primary audience for the JP Environment review is the UN and Government of Pakistan. Secondary audiences include implementing partners and development partners in Pakistan, UN’s agencies HQs and UNHQ.
The Joint Programme mid term review (2009 & 2010) will be an independent review to be completed prior to the completion of the program in December 2012 in order to provide inputs to the development of the next cycle of United National Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) as well as succeeded JP Environment expected under One Programme Cycle 2 (2013-2017).
The review will involve the systematic and objective assessment of the entire Joint Programme Environment since its inception and implementation under defined geographical boundaries at the national and provincial level regardless of funding sources with special attention provided in light of the recent floods in July-August 2010. Hence the review will analyze the achievement of results, financial analysis of development, non-development and humanitarian funding whether align with joint programme components or not, highlighting issues, challenges and ‘lessons learned and define a forward looking strategy in line with new challenges and opportunities (including those presented by the IDP conflicts and 2010 devastated floods) and the future course of the ongoing programme including proposed Joint Programme Component’s annual work-plans, implementation modalities and setting up resource mobilization strategies.
The primary audience for the JP Environment review is the UN and Government of Pakistan. Secondary audiences include implementing partners and development partners in Pakistan, UN’s agencies HQs and UNHQ.
The Joint Programme mid term review (2009 & 2010) will be an independent review to be completed prior to the completion of the program in December 2012 in order to provide inputs to the development of the next cycle of United National Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) as well as succeeded JP Environment expected under One Programme Cycle 2 (2013-2017).
The review will involve the systematic and objective assessment of the entire Joint Programme Environment since its inception and implementation under defined geographical boundaries at the national and provincial level regardless of funding sources with special attention provided in light of the recent floods in July-August 2010. Hence the review will analyze the achievement of results, financial analysis of development, non-development and humanitarian funding whether align with joint programme components or not, highlighting issues, challenges and ‘lessons learned and define a forward looking strategy in line with new challenges and opportunities (including those presented by the IDP conflicts and 2010 devastated floods) and the future course of the ongoing programme including proposed Joint Programme Component’s annual work-plans, implementation modalities and setting up resource mobilization strategies.
The review will focus therefore on the federal and provincial government’s development priorities, plans and strategies and on the UN response to address those priorities through One UN Delivering as One (DaO) approach in order to assess its contribution and real progress, if any, towards the achievement of national development goals.
More specifically, the review will focus on – but not be limited to – reporting on progress in achieving results relating to MDG and targets as well as principles of aid effectiveness with respect to the project outputs and outcomes.
This should entail, all activities falling under the five programme components and other initiatives that are not falling under the Joint Programme i.e. standalone portfolios, however, contributing to Joint Programme results (outcomes and outputs). The timeframe under review should cover all those initiatives either fully implemented or in progress with available funds, hence need additional funds to move forward.
Based on the primary objectives of the review, the following criteria and questions are expected to guide in the development of the review framework, information collection and actual assessment of baseline status and results:
- How relevant were the Joint Programme outcomes and outputs in assisting the achievement of Pakistan’s national goals specific to the focused areas of environment?
- To what extent was the planning of interventions participatory with national, provincial further down to district level?
- How the Joint Programme contributed to reduced duplication and overlapping of work among UN agencies and partners and to what extent was the Joint Programme cost effective, in terms of reducing transaction costs internally as well as externally?
- How relevant were the Joint Programme outcomes and outputs in assisting the achievement of Pakistan’s national goals specific to the focused areas of environment?
- To what extent was the planning of interventions participatory with national, provincial further down to district level?
- How the Joint Programme contributed to reduced duplication and overlapping of work among UN agencies and partners and to what extent was the Joint Programme cost effective, in terms of reducing transaction costs internally as well as externally?
- What has been the added value of using the joint programme modality and how was UN support most effective through a JP?
- To what extent did UN agencies plan together? Did the plans demonstrate coherence and delivering as one?
- To what extent were the management and administrative set up necessary and adequate to deliver the Joint Programme?
- Were the institutional and management arrangements supportive to attain the intended objectives?
- How efficiently has the Joint Programme delivered its outcomes and outputs?
- How efficiently the available resources has utilized at the joint programme components level segregating development and non-development allocations
- How did the specific JP organizational setup (TWG/IAWGs, JPSC, Task Forces and Provincial Implementation Committees) contribute or hinder effective coordination and implementation?
- What has been the effectiveness of the JPE with respect to planned outcomes and impacts from gender equality perspective, civil society involvement, targeted communities (refugees & vulnerable) and human rights based approach?
- Whether joint programme so far proved more effective than agency-specific programming in achieving results, and if so, in what ways?
- Were the institutional and management arrangements supportive to attain the intended objectives?
- How efficiently has the Joint Programme delivered its outcomes and outputs?
- How efficiently the available resources has utilized at the joint programme components level segregating development and non-development allocations
- How did the specific JP organizational setup (TWG/IAWGs, JPSC, Task Forces and Provincial Implementation Committees) contribute or hinder effective coordination and implementation?
- What has been the effectiveness of the JPE with respect to planned outcomes and impacts from gender equality perspective, civil society involvement, targeted communities (refugees & vulnerable) and human rights based approach?
- Whether joint programme so far proved more effective than agency-specific programming in achieving results, and if so, in what ways?
- To what extent did the UN agencies implement and monitor interventions together?
Programme Outcome/Impact:
- Has the programme made a difference to the environment management process from policy formulation to the development and implementation of policy’s action plans, improved compliance to environmental protocols, laws and regulations, capacity development, improved water and sanitation support systems, protection and conservation of natural resources and better communities’ livelihood at the grass root level, improved urban management and promoted green developments through better waste management (Urban, Health, Industrial), use of renewable energy resources and energy efficient housing construction, appliances and transport systems.
- Has the programme made a difference to the environment management process from policy formulation to the development and implementation of policy’s action plans, improved compliance to environmental protocols, laws and regulations, capacity development, improved water and sanitation support systems, protection and conservation of natural resources and better communities’ livelihood at the grass root level, improved urban management and promoted green developments through better waste management (Urban, Health, Industrial), use of renewable energy resources and energy efficient housing construction, appliances and transport systems.
- How sustainable is the progress made and achievements of the Joint Programme Environment?
- What are the major factors which have influenced the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the JPE?
- How sustainable is the progress made and achievements of the Joint Programme Environment?
- What are the major factors which have influenced the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the JPE?
- What approaches are the JP participating agencies taking to meet national goals and building of national capacities in environment sector? How effective are these approaches?
Partnerships and Coordination
- What are the key lessons learned from the Joint Programme and how can they inform future UN, GoP and JPSC decision making processes?
- What links exist between national and provincial to local level coordination?
- Are there any critical technical gaps in the coordination structures?
-What impact has the task forces and PICs (Provincial Implementation Committees) approach had on implementation arrangements as well as attainment of JP results?
- Is due to poor and ineffective coordination approach and inter-agency differences in mobilizing donor’s funds, the donor response towards Joint Programme or Joint Programme Components remained passive during the last two years?
- What are the key lessons learned from the Joint Programme and how can they inform future UN, GoP and JPSC decision making processes?
- What links exist between national and provincial to local level coordination?
- Are there any critical technical gaps in the coordination structures?
-What impact has the task forces and PICs (Provincial Implementation Committees) approach had on implementation arrangements as well as attainment of JP results?
- Is due to poor and ineffective coordination approach and inter-agency differences in mobilizing donor’s funds, the donor response towards Joint Programme or Joint Programme Components remained passive during the last two years?
Cross-cutting issues (Gender Equality, Civil Society participation, Refugee and Human Rights)
- Were cross – cutting considerations really mainstreamed in the implementation of activities?
- To what extent did the programme involve the target communities and other stakeholders in programme design and implementation?
- Were cross – cutting considerations really mainstreamed in the implementation of activities?
- To what extent did the programme involve the target communities and other stakeholders in programme design and implementation?
The review of Joint Programme will probably complete in 15 days including the preliminary findings report based on information collected through documents reviews and meetings with stakeholders, a presentation and final reporting.
Information Gathering and Preliminary Findings - gather information from sources such as Joint Programme Environment relevant documents, progress reports of the last two years, M & E and Annual Work Plans, focal ministry and other line ministries and relevant departments both at federal and provincial level, interviews with key informants (UN TWG, JPSC, Donors and relevant INGOs/CSOs) and review of existing environment related database and documentation, implications of 18th amendments and status of ministry, meetings with TWG members and agencies focal points and prepare a preliminary findings report.
Analysis and Presentation – analyze information and prepare first draft of the review report based on preliminary findings. This involves an assessment of Joint Programme results (Outputs/Outcomes) achieved so far and the impacts produced during two years of implementation, and given a presentation to key partners and relevant stakeholders in Islamabad.
Final Report Submission - Submitting a final report to key stakeholders based on preliminary report findings, feedback received during the presentation and the follow-up meetings with major partners.
The final report with sections should comprise of a minimum 2/3 pages executive summary containing key findings and recommendations; a maximum of 1 or 2 page background; an Introduction; the approach employed for information collection and analysis; findings, conclusions; a way forward with recommendations; and Lessons Learned will be prepared.
Information Gathering and Preliminary Findings - gather information from sources such as Joint Programme Environment relevant documents, progress reports of the last two years, M & E and Annual Work Plans, focal ministry and other line ministries and relevant departments both at federal and provincial level, interviews with key informants (UN TWG, JPSC, Donors and relevant INGOs/CSOs) and review of existing environment related database and documentation, implications of 18th amendments and status of ministry, meetings with TWG members and agencies focal points and prepare a preliminary findings report.
Analysis and Presentation – analyze information and prepare first draft of the review report based on preliminary findings. This involves an assessment of Joint Programme results (Outputs/Outcomes) achieved so far and the impacts produced during two years of implementation, and given a presentation to key partners and relevant stakeholders in Islamabad.
Final Report Submission - Submitting a final report to key stakeholders based on preliminary report findings, feedback received during the presentation and the follow-up meetings with major partners.
The final report with sections should comprise of a minimum 2/3 pages executive summary containing key findings and recommendations; a maximum of 1 or 2 page background; an Introduction; the approach employed for information collection and analysis; findings, conclusions; a way forward with recommendations; and Lessons Learned will be prepared.
- an preliminary findings report compiled after desk review of relevant materials and consultations process outlining the understanding of the issues and achievements under review including an impacts assessment of Joint Programme results (JPC’s outcomes/outputs) and financial analysis of development and non-development projects/activities;
- a presentation to UN TWG Co-Chairs, Convening Agencies and UNRC on preliminary findings in the light of 18th amendment and its impacts and follow-up meetings with major stakeholders to discuss what worked well, and, why? what didn’t work well, and, why?; what can we learn and what can we do about it in future.
- a final review report. The final Joint Programme Review document may contain way forward with prioritized activities in Environment sector for Pakistan as a consequence of 18th Amendment and details action plan on implementation for the next two years (2011 & 2012).
Require Education | ||||
Must | Degree | Degree Level | Country | Description |
Masters Degree | Masters Degree | • Master’s degree in Development, Management and preferably in Environment (PhD will be given preference ) |
Skills | ||||
Must | Title | Level | Description | |
English Language and Report Writing | Excellent | Competencies: • Analytical skills, communications abilities, teamwork …A solid experience in the areas of environment management and development, policy analysis, development and planning with sound technical knowledge and cognizant to national and international laws and conventions related to environment and climate change and compliance strategies while focusing on environment linkage to economic development and poverty reduction etc. • Evidence based skills and sufficient practical expertise in programme/project review and evaluation • Working affiliation and experience within government sector as well as with international organizations like UN, World Bank and ADB etc. • Excellent coordination and presentation skills • Excellent writing, editing, and communication skills in English; and • Ability to meet deadlines and prioritize multiple tasks. |