Consultancy-Training on Environment & Natural Resource Mgt & Conservation to Community(1M & 1F)

World Vision International
Posted :17 March, 2011

  • Job Location: Abbottabad
  • Country: Pakistan
  • Positions: 2
  • Job Type: Consultant
  • Department: Consultancy
  • Last Date: 27 March, 2011
2. Objectives of the training
2.1 Purpose
World Vision Pakistan needs the services of male consultant/trainer to conduct training of male members of the CBOs and interest groups on ‘’ Environment and NRM Conservation‘’ contributing towards the achievement of Output 1.1 Increased awareness and community participation in development of local strategies for use and conservation of agriculture and natural resources
2.2 Objectives
By the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
  • Understand the concepts of natural resources and its relationship with the local livelihoods;
  • Identify threats to local resources and potential impacts of the natural resource degradation;
  •  Realize the importance of natural resource conservation and its application at community level;
  • Know the agro-forestry systems and techniques to execute participatory agro-forestry initiatives;
§  Know about the integrated watershed management practices at community level;
§  Understand the alternative fuel technologies, including solar technologies, fuel efficient stoves, bio-gas and micro-hydral.
3. Location of conducting the training
The training will be conducted in the 10 target villages, one training per village. The target villages of the Participatory Agro-Forestry Initiatives and Climate Change-Project include Bandi Mera, Mera kalan, Mera Khurd, Pangoora, Sangi Mera, Nagri Bala, Tatreela, Kala Ban, Sukka Kass and Samander Katha.
4. Methodology 
The training will be based on interactive sessions with focus on experiential and interactive learning models. There will be structured exercises, group discussions, analysis, and role-plays. The local languages, Hindku/Urdu will be used for the delivery of teaching sessions. Participatory training approach methods will be used in which interactive oral briefing will be given to the participants on the course topics with the help of flip charts followed by actively involvement of participants through their practical group exercises subsequent presentations, group discussions and other adult learning methods shall be applied. 
5. Deliverables and responsibilities of Consultant
·         Design the training methodology and tools in accordance with current practices and standards; to be used to conduct the training on Environment and NRM Conservation, taking into consideration the information given by WVP
·         Consider any feedback from WVP and make changes to the training methodology as appropriate and agreed upon by both parties
·         To hire and assume all responsibilities for any additional staff, which are involved in the process, in-line with WV Pakistan policies and procedures
·         Conduct a total of Ten (10) trainings to the members of CBOs and interest groups on Environment and NRM Conservation, One training per village.
·         The duration of each training will be Two (02) days. The total number of training days will be Twenty (20), @ 02 days per training X 10 No. of trainings.
·         Impart training to the members of CBOs and interest groups on Environment and NRM Conservation, covering the following topics;
1.       Understanding the Natural Resources and Environment
1.1  The concepts of Natural Resources
1.2  Natural Resources Services and Products
1.3  Identification of Local Natural Resources
2.       Natural Resource Degradation and Their Impacts on Livelihood
2.1 Natural Resources and Livelihoods
2.2 Threats to Local Natural Resources
2.3 Impacts of natural Resource Degradation
      3.   Natural Resource Conservation
            3.1 Natural Resource Conservation: What? When? And How?
            3.2 Community-based Natural Resource Conservation
      4.   Agro-Forestry
            4.1 The concept of Agro-Forestry
            4.2 Need and Importance of Agro-Forestry
 4.3 Agro-Forestry Systems
4.4 Planning for Agro-Forestry Initiatives: Site selection, Species selection, Spacing, water requirements, planting methods, watch-n-ward.
     5.    Erosion and its control
            5.1 Erosion
            5.2 Types of Erosion
            5.3 Factor affecting erosion
            5.4 Impacts of Erosion
            5.5 Control methods: Biological measures and Engineering measures
    6.     Alternate Fuel technologies
6.1  Need and importance
6.2  Solar technologies
6.3  Fuel Efficient Stoves
6.4  Micro-Hydal
6.5  Bio-gas
6.6  Wind mill
·         The training sessions will be conducted in Urdu language. Other languages (like Hindku) if required and convenient may also be considered for the better understanding of participants.
·         Liaise with the WV Pakistan focal person to identify any problems or issues arising and to provide updates on the progress.
·         If required by WVP (due to weather constraints, security problems or other scheduling conflicts) the training days may be shifted to another available date within the consultancy period (including weekends).
·         The consultant will agree to be available on any day during the consultancy agreement and will not agree to any of consultancy work offered by another organization.
·         Boarding, lodging and transport of the consultant will be the sole responsibility of the consultant. However, transport from office to training venue and from training venue to office will be provided by WV-P.
·         The consultant will not share and disseminate the information with other organization and/or for any purpose in any form without the consent of the WV Pakistan.
·         In addition to the above’ the following would also be taken into consideration by the consultant:

o   Social and cultural structures
o   Impact of movement of people in and out of the area
o   Gender, disability and other vulnerability issues
o   Local capacities for peace /Do No Harm principles

·         The consultant will submit training report in English language along with annexure(s), if any, within Seven (7) days after the completion of assigned task. The training report must be on the prescribed LEAP format. The training report will be reviewed by WV Pakistan and may send back to consultant for further review and flourishing by the consultant in light of observations and comments from the WV Pakistan. Finalize report and hand over all related documents to WVP within the specified date agreed-upon. Submit soft copies of all raw data in CD

The LEAP format:
I.  Table of Contents
III.   Glossary
1.   Executive Summary
2.   Introduction/Background
3.   Methodology
4.   Findings
5.   Lessons learned
6.   Recommendations
7.   Conclusion
6. Deliverables and responsibilities of WV Pakistan
WV Pakistan is responsible for providing the following components to assist with the completion of the training process and reports:
·         Provide a contact person to address any concerns or difficulties the consultant may encounter and to oversee the entire process.
·         Review and comment on training methodology and tools prior to finalizing by Consultant
·         Payment of financial agreements that are stated in this agreement.
·         Provide LEAP reporting format to the Consultant
·         Provide transport facility to consultant from office to training venue and from training venue to office.
·         Provide the list of nominees for the training on environment and NRM conservation
·         Provide any relevant WV Policies and Procedures that the consultant is expected to act in accordance with
7. Timeframe
The consultancy will commence on 28th March2011and terminate on 25th April 2011 with the completion of all of the agreed upon deliverables. All final reports and documentation are to be submitted to World Vision Pakistan (WVP) upon termination of the contract period.
8. Logistics 
Boarding, lodging and transport of the consultant will be the sole responsibility of the consultant. However, transport from office to training venue and from training venue to office will be provided by WV-P.
9. Budget
10. Knowledge, skills and abilities 
·         At least 05 years of practical experience in conducting trainings on Environment and NRM conservation
·         At least bachelor degree in the field of Natural Resource Management (NRM) from a recognized university of international repute
  • Excellent communication, report-writing and presentation skills in English. Knowledge of local languages (Urdu and Hindku) would be an added value
  • Sensitive to local culture and gender practices in the areas
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